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Item : 11-SR BAM-E001
Name : Standard Reference Elastomers (SRE): BAM-E001

Price : $309.09/sheet (1 sheet)
Your Quantity: x    

Brand : Germany BAM
Spec. : 8 mm x 181 mm x 181 mm

Summary : DIN Standard Elastomers (Germany BAM)

Views : 21160    Date : 2023-8-1

Description :   100 %   Recommended   

Comparative standard reference: DIN-53516、ISO-4649、GT/T9867/SATRA TM174、BS-903

Standard Reference Elastomers (SRE): BAM-E001
Comparative standard reference compound No. 1 for abrasion testing according to ISO 4649

Scope and field application
Standard reference compound No. 1 is used for comparative abrasion tests described in the above mentioned standards. It establishes a uniform, steady level of abrasion loss. This level is defined as 200 mg mass loss under definite test conditions (ISO 4649: method A).

Formulation of the rubber mixture
parts by mass
a) Natural rubber SMR L 100.0
b) Antidegradant IPPD (Vulkanox 4010 NA) 1.0
c) Zinc oxide (Zinkweiß G 9) 50.0
d) Carbon black N 330 (Corax N 330) 36.0
e) Accelerator MBTS (Vulkacit DM) 1.8
f) Sulphur 2.5
Conditions of vulcanisation: 150 °C, 25 min

a) Density according to ISO 1183-1
(1.35 ± 0.02) g/cm3
b) Hardness according to ISO 7619
(60 ± 3) Shore A
c) Mass loss of a production run, according to DIN ISO 4649, measured with 15 test pieces, cut from a representative sheet, mean value of 15 medians of 3 runs for each test piece
(210 ± 10) mg

8 mm x 181 mm x 181 mm
(which will yield approximately 90 test pieces)

Cool, dry, protected from light and kept in a protective cover (e.g. polyethylen bag)
completely closed.

If used properly: 3 years. Identification
The standard reference elastomer sheet is labelled indicating the producer (BAM), the year of production, the standard, the type of SRE and serial number.

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