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Shop All Catalogue 145
   Test materials 76
   BAM 6
   EMPA 17
   James H.Heal 11
   JIS 1
   Other test materials 11
   SDC 11
   Taber 11
   Testfabrics 8
   Hardness tester 19
   Asker | e-Asker Japan 5
   Shore | Instron USA 0
   Teclock Japan 7
   YD hardness tester 7
   Balance & Scale 0
   Balance 0.0001g | 0.1mg 0
   Balance 0.001g | 1mg 0
   Balance 0.01g | 10mg 0
   Moisture teser 0
   Specific gravity | Density Balance 0
   Fittings 12
   Fitting for repair 0
   Jig | Clamp | Grips 11
   Press Knife 1
   Instrument & Measure 6
   Angle 3
   PH meter 0
   Push | Pull tester 0
   Temperature & Humidity 1
   Thickness 2
   Torsional 0
   Viscidity 0
   Machine & Equipment 28
   Abrasion 0
   Color fastness | Rub fastness 0
   Envionment tester Oven Aging 0
   Flex 0
   Special 24
   Standard light box 0
   Tensile tester 4
   Everything else 1
   Something for test 1
   Tools 1
   Repair Screwdriver 1
   Special things 2
   Repair & Calibration services 1
   Standards file test method 1
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  • 12-HD YD-DD
    Digital Shore D Rubber Durometer hardness tester
    (1 set) $58.18/set

  • 12-HD YD-DA
    Digital Shore A Rubber Durometer hardness tester
    (1 set) $58.18/set

  • 16-SP YD836
    Sample Buffing Machine
    (1 set) $2,145.45/set

  • 11-WF EMPA-701
    EMPA Standard wool felt white 701
    (1000 pcs) $0.29/pcs

  • 15-TH SM114
    Dial thickness gauge Teclock SM-114 10mm/0.01mm
    (1 set) $145.45/set

  • 11-M James Heal 786-255
    James Heal 786-255 foam gasket
    (50 pieces) $6.18/pieces

  • 15-TH SM112
    Dial thickness gauge Teclock SM-112 10mm/0.01mm
    (1 set) $109.09/set

  • 16-SP
    Resilience Elasticity Tester
    (1 set) $1,963.64/set

  • 11-FD SDC 2011
    SDC wear wool fabric liner for Martindale
    (24 pcs) $8.33/pcs

  • 11-WF EMPA-702
    EMPA Standard wool felt Black 702
    (100 pcs) $1.64/pcs

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