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Files Catalogue (16)
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Products fileSATRA Test Equipment Catalogue [2014-7-17]    Views : 35356
Others messageAdidas Lab Procedure Manual Contents [2012-7-8]  Views : 19538
Standards fileNumerical List of Current AATCC Test Methods and Procedures [2012-6-9]  Views : 8429
Standards fileAATCC 16-2004 Colorfastness to Light [2012-6-2]    Views : 7207
Standards fileISO 105-X18-2007 Textiles - Tests for colour fastness - Part X18 phenolic yellowing [2014-7-17]    Views : 7359
Standards fileAATCC 8-2005 Colorfastness to Crocking [2012-7-5]    Views : 9934
Standards fileISO 105-E04-2013 Textiles - Tests for colour fastness - Part E04 perspiration [2014-7-17]    Views : 9720
News informationQuality Assured Consumables [2012-7-5]  Views : 4143
Technology filePerspirometer PHENOLIC YELLOWING TESTER [2012-7-5]  Views : 6530
Standards fileSAE J365-1994 Method Of Testing Resistance To Scuffing Of Trim Materials [2014-7-16]    Views : 5364
Standards fileSATRA test methods  catalogue – June 2011 [2012-7-22]  Views : 19138
Products fileMultifibre Adjacent Fabric – European & American [2012-7-5]  Views : 8882
Technology filePerspirometer COLOUR FASTNESS TESTER [2012-7-5]  Views : 3732
Standards fileDIN 53512-2000 Determining the rebound resilience of rubber [2012-6-9]    Views : 10826
Others messageGENERAL LEATHER TESTING [2012-7-5]  Views : 6151

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